About Gimi 2.0 Web

GIMI (Global Index Module Interactive) is a software created by Enric Melé, researcher at the IRTA (Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Technology) Plant Genetics Department.

GIMI was developed and validated using data collected in the frame of several research projects:
  • SIGMEA European Project: Sustainable introduction of GMOS in European Agriculture.
  • INIA RTA2007-00006-00 National Project: Quantification of GMO content and microtoxines in commercial maize fields: prediction and sampling methods.
  • INRA ANR-06-POGM005-GCOMPAP French project: Apports de la modélisation dans une approche pluridisciplinaire pour gérer la coexistence de filières OGM en no OGM chez le maïs.
  • PORTA Programme: Pol de Recerca de Tecnologia Agroalimentària.
Researchers involved in sampling and data collection necessary for the creation and validation of GIMI:
  • Enric Melé
  • Joaquima Messeguer
  • Gisela Peñas
  • Montserrat Palaudelmàs
Plant Genetics Department, IRTA
  • Joan Serra
  • Jordi Salvia
  • Gemma Capellades
Estació Experimental Agrícola Mas Badia, IRTA
  • Maria Pla
  • Anna Nadal
Institut de Tecnologia Agroalimentària (INTEA), Universitat de Girona

This Web version of the GIMI software has been created by Marina Melé
